Planescape: Torment

Planescape: Torment

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The protagonist, known as the Nameless One, is an immortal who awakens on a mortuary slab at the beginning of the game, with no memory of his past life. Tattoos inked on his back as reminders and clues show that this is not the first time he has forgotten himself. Somewhere along the line he even forgot his own name. The game focuses on his personal journey to reclaim sometimes painful memories of his past incarnations, discover why he is immortal and find an answer to the nagging question: what can change the nature of a man?


Based on series on of podcasts made by the Codex Radio and edited to reduce talks between the episodes.

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Талант Автора
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0.0(голосов: 0 / История оценок)
23-06-2024, 23:04   Просмотров: 258

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